Sunday, August 21, 2011

Water Marbling!

OK, so you have seen my nails before where I did the cool swirly design, right? Well this lady is so good at doing her nails! Her Blog spot thing is Mysimplelittlepleasures and her YouTube account is Simplelittlepleasues. She has freakishly long nails, and I love them! Haha OK I will put a link in the sidebar so you can see them! (Btw she accidentally spelled pleasures wrong, make sure you type it in without the r!)

My sister!

I have a little sister, about 8 months, and she is just ADORABLE! She has been sitting up for a while now, and she is showing signs of crawling! She already scoots around the floor, so we have to watch where she goes. All of her cute little baby clothes are being grown out of! :( Oh well, there are many more clothes coming!

Here's a fresh start.

OK guys, here we go again! I am starting fresh, and I will try to keep you updated! I am looking through all of these videos, and finding the best ones to post. I have tried most of these to make sure they work! Hope you enjoy. :)